Aura & Chakra Healing
May also include attainments, past life, cord-cutting, and/or energy adjustments etc. depending upon what your Spirit team wants to include!
This is for you if you want:
To clear blockages in your chakras
Lift your vibration and feel great all over
Want insight on something from your specific, see options below
Knowledge on what crystals are best for you
Physical: Colds and flu, allergies, heart conditions, back problems, arthritis, infertility, fatigue, sleep disorders,
diabetes, detoxification
Emotions: Depression, apathy, abandonment, anxiety, guilt, worry, confusion, anger, victim mentality, perfectionism
Spiritual: Aura balancing, removing attachments, breaking ties, soul loss, acceptance, protection, angel attainments
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2229 Hardhyan Singh Marg
New Delhi, 110005